Social Networking

This Is What The Ideal Social Network For Business Looks Like

My initial answer to the question above was: “Hasn’t been invented yet” but of course Mhairi Petrovic from Out-Smarts didn’t let me get away with that and asked what my ideal Social Network would look like.

Before I get into the answer I need to make one point clear: I don’t see how any Social Media tool could be successful for business without appealing to the general public. Any successful tool needs to work in our private life so it can be successful for business.

Let’s cook up our own Social Media tool:

cook up a social media networkMy Ideal Social Network for business would combine the best features of all existing ones and then some:


[Warning] Do Not Trust Screenshots of Tweets - Embedding Tweets Is Easy

Wow I just read Daniel Hebert’s article on Steamfeed

Warning! Do Not Trust Screenshots of Tweets

The post talks about a new tool called “lemmetweetthatforyou” (no, I will not condone it by linking to it). You can use it to fake a tweet sent by anybody. What is presented as a fun prank-like tool can be extremely dangerous to your reputation.


Quality Content + Conversations + Relationships = ROI My Interview with Robert Caruso

In a recent Heckler’s Hangout Robert Caruso, founder of Bundlepost mentioned some intriguing numbers confirming this statement. I was intreagued and chatted with him about this. Our Hangout was too interesting to chop into pieces so I just posted (almost) the whole 20 minutes above. Don’t worry though - I’ll give you the juicy bits below and in an Infographic below.


Avoid Most Auto-DMs on Twitter

The more people you follow on Twitter the more you will find your Direct Message (DM) box fill up. Many of my friends will not even look at their DMs anymore unless you let them know that you sent them something in private. But there is a magic bullet to get rid of auto-DMs
