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How To Remove Tags on Facebook

In Facebook (and Instagram and Twitter) you can “tag” someone in a picture so they get notified. These pictures go into the “Pictures of you” stream on Facebook and depending on the users’ privacy settings, everybody can see them. Tagging others in pictures is a great way of sharing pictures with your friends. I really like it […]

This Is What The Ideal Social Network For Business Looks Like

My initial answer to the question above was: “Hasn’t been invented yet” but of course Mhairi Petrovic from Out-Smarts didn’t let me get away with that and asked what my ideal Social Network would look like. Before I get into the answer I need to make one point clear: I don’t see how any Social […]

Facebook’s Edgerank Can Be a Chance For More Interaction on Social Media

Why did Facebook introduce Edgerank? Edgerank is designed to help us filter out the important updates (I’m leaving my comments about this for a different rant post) Edgerank serves Facebook’s stock holders by pushing marketers to pay for more exposure Facebook’s Edgerank Can Be a Chance For More Interaction on Social Media was last modified: […]

Facebook Page Infographic

Facebook Pages Are The Only Way To Promote Your Business Or Organization!

Using Facebook Profiles for anything other than a real person has been against Facebook’s Terms of Service since Pages were introduced but nobody seemed to do much about it. I suspect that Facebook will find a way to shut down these profiles quickly now because the “fake” accounts are damaging to Facebook’s bottom line and […]

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